Friday, October 28, 2011

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

It's been a great week of learning about our sense of touch. We talked about the story of Thomas from John 20. He could not believe that Jesus rose from the dead without seeing and touching Jesus. Our verse this week was,"We've seen Jesus, but Thomas said, I will not believe unless I touch His hands." In Chapel we got to feel some of Peanuts toys, but we only used our hands. It was fun trying to figure out what Peanut brought us. At JAM we touch mushy paint and rough sand, which we used to make a hand print like Jesus. It was a lot of fun, but we realized that we believe Jesus without touching His hands.

I hope that you have a blessed and safe weekend!

HTPL School Age Weekly Update

It was another great time of getting to know your school-ager at HTPL. They are so full of excitement and eager to learn. We talked this week about believing God even when we can't touch Him. Our story was from John 20 when Thomas said that He would have to see Jesus to believe He was alive. When Thomas saw that Jesus was alive he was humbled. Jesus told them that those who do not see and believe are blessed. We talked about how we can believe Jesus even though we can't see Him, just like oxygen. It's in the room because we could breath, but still invisible. It was a great lesson in faith and the kids really got it.

I hope you have a blessed weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We've been learning how to control our smelling and tasting senses. In the story of Jacob and Esau we learn that Esau listened to his stomach instead of using wisdom. Our verse came from Genesis 27:19 - Please sit and eat my stew, and give me your blessing. We talked about how hungry Esau must have been, and then smelling that yummy stew. Peanut even got really tempted by a cookie and would have given up his collar to eat that cookie. All the kids helped convenes Peanut that he could get lost if he gave up his collar, so he didn't eat the cookie. During JAM we made a pot of stew and talked about how tempting it was to eat our stew. We had a lot of fun this week!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We made a lot of noise this week at Chapel and JAM. Our verse was from John 11:43 - Having prayed, Jesus shouted, "Lazarus, come out!" We talked about how hearing is very important. Lazarus heard Jesus and came back to life. So we talked about when we should listen to our teachers and parents. Peanut even had fun with it. He dressed up as Lazarus with tissue paper head to toe and looked so cute. He even acted like he was asleep, so we could scream; Peanut come out! In JAM we made a little Lazarus coming out of his tomb. The kids had a great time making little Lazarus.

We also started practicing for our Christmas program, so if they start singing, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, you know why.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

This week we were blind, but we now can see! We talked about Bartimaeus and his encounter with Jesus. Bartimaeus was sitting on the road when he heard that Jesus was coming. He cried out to Jesus asking Him to help, and as we learn from Mark 10:51, Jesus said, What do you want. The blind man said, I want to see! The kids loved to do the hand motions of covering their eyes and then being able to see. So we thought about all the things we could not see if we were blind, like; trees, toys, clothes, food and our families. During JAM we made blind eyes to be able to practice our verse, and understand the difference between being blind and having sight. It was a great time of learning about the blessing of sight.