Thursday, January 26, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We've been sharing God's Love with other this week, just like Paul from Acts 17. From this chapter in Acts it talks about Paul going to people who did not know God and he would share the Good News. Our verse came from Acts 17: 24, I tell others about God, who loves me and made the world. As you know each week we give out stamps to our kids as a reward for being a Top Dog. So I took a stamp and illustrated how if you have something special and keep it from others it's not very nice. I told Peanut I wasn't sure if I wanted to share my stamps this week, but he told me I should always share good things with others. This is a lot like God's Love. If we know God Loves us, but we don't share it with others, it's not very nice. In JAM we made a paper plate megaphone, so we could tell others that God Love them. It was a lot of fun, sharing God's Love.

Friday, January 20, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

It's been a great week at JAM and Chapel! We've been learning about how at school we are Growing in God. Our verse this week was from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; "Everything on Earth, has it's own time and it's own season." So we've been talking about how this is the time in their lives to start learning and growing in God. God watered his plants this week with the storm we had, and God's word waters our hearts and helps us grow. Then the Sun will come and feed the plants, so does God's Son helps us grow! In JAM we made a little plant that is watered and feed by the word of God.

Here are the things we learned this week;
God's word, makes me grow!
God's Son, makes me grow!
Everything on Earth has is own time and it's own season!

Today is the Bolt Tini-Marathon!
So keep getting those pledges and thank you for partnering with us to serve you better in 2012!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

This week we've been learning about Worshiping Together! We read that God wants us to remember to make time for worship from Exodus 20:8 "Remember, to have one day, to worship God." So we talked about how singing, clapping, praying and reading the bible are some ways we worship God. Then Peanut told us that he worships God with his friends at the playground. So we talk about all the places we can worship God. It's not just at church or chapel, but at home or even on the playground. God loves it when we make time to worship Him with others. This week we started reading a book called, Make a Joyful Noise, it about praising God. So talk to your child about when and how you worship God and have a blessed weekend.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

This week we talked about starting and ending our day with Jesus. Our verse this week was from Matthew 6:33 - First, seek God, live righteously, and He will give you all you need. Peanut was really helpful this week, because he shared what he did in the morning and evening. In the morning Peanut said he would yawn, stretch and pray before he got busy. Then before bed he would eat all his food, yawn and pray. So we asked Peanut why he prays when he wakes up and goes to bed. He said to thank God for his sleep and his day. It reminded me of the story of the birds in Matthew 6. Jesus talks about how the birds don't worry about their food or clothes, because God takes care of them. If we are more important than the birds than He will also take care of us. So we know God will provide for us everyday. I asked them when they get a gift what should they say, Thank You! We should be the same way with God, everyday we should thank him for a brand new day and at night for a great day.