Thursday, February 23, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

It's been a great week at JAM and Chapel! Peanut's been trying to climb trees! He's been inspired by Zaccheaus from Luke 19:4, Zaccheaus ran and climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus. We talked about how Zaccheaus was not able to see Jesus, but because of the large group of people he could not see. So he ran down the path and climb a tree. Then Jesus noticed Zaccheaus in the tree, and asked him to take Him to dinner. This is the kind of desire God wants to see in our lives. We talked about how he was willing to climb a tree to see Jesus. In JAM we made a little picture story about Zaccheaus climbing the tree to see Jesus. Also if you child wants to climb a tree this weekend you know why. Have a blessed weekend!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

It's been a hairy week in JAM and Chapel, because we talked about Peanuts fur. We also learned about hairy situation in the Bible. It was the story of how Jacob used fur to trick his father. I took a pair of socks and showed how Jacob put fur on his arms to make his arms like Esau's. Since his father was blind he could not tell the difference and blessed Jacob instead of Esau. Our verse was Genesis 27:16 "Jacob put fur on his hands." In JAM we made fur arm bands to remember our story of Jacob. Peanut told us we had fur on our heads and we laughed, but he was kind of right. He thought it was silly that we only had fur on our heads.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

At JAM and Chapel we learned a lot about how God made our skin. Our verse this week was from Genesis 2:7 "God, took a handful of soil, and made man." We learned that God gave us our skin to protect us and keep our bodies safe. It's really amazing all the things our skin does for us and how it makes us so unique. In JAM we made a picture of our face and them covered it with a layer of tissue paper to symbolize a layer of skin. It was exciting to see the kids realize that their skin was a big part of the creation of our their bodies. So maybe this weekend you can talk more about the things skin does, it's uniqueness and how God made it.

Friday, February 3, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

It's been a week about LOVE! We used this week to talk about how to give love to those who need it. So we read the story of the lost sheep. The shepherd went out to find his one lost sheep, but how much love that one sheep felt. The sheep was lonely, scared and needed to know someone loved him. When the shepherd found the sheep, imagine the love the sheep felt. This is how we want others to feel! This week we worked on cards for senior in JAM. We made a little card and a big heart card to give some seniors at a local nursing home. Our verse this week was John 15:17 "Love each other". We did a great job loving on others this week.