Thursday, July 26, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We've been talking about the Glory of God and how all creation speaks of Him. First we asked if they had ever seen a tree, grass, flowers, the sun, the moon, stars or their face. They all laughed and said yes!It was important for them to understand that all those things show God's Glory. Our verse this week is from Psalms 19:1, The Heavens declare the Glory of God. We read about how God created the world and from that beginning we started to see His handy work. In Jam we added another chapter in our summer books, that show His Creation. We had a great time seeing God's glory in everything around us.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We've been Missionaries this week showing Compassion! Peanut talked about how he likes to go the playground and share Jesus with his puppy friends. Our verse this week is from Acts 13:3 "After they fasted and prayed, they laid hands on and sent them out." This week our story was about Saul's encounter with Jesus. We talked about how he had a heart and name change, which caused him to become a missionary. He went from no compassion, to showing lots of compassion to everyone all over the world. At JAM we made another chapter in our book. It was a picture of a Missionary traveling all over a map of the world. It was a great week talking about being a missionary!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We've been showing lots of love to our neighbors this week! Our verse is from Matthew 19:19 - Love your neighbor as you love your self. We talked about how we wouldn't bite, hit or kick ourselves, so we shouldn't do that to others. Kindness is something we can show with our words, by helping and giving. We talked about Rahab from the old testament, and how she showed kindness to the children of Israel. Later that kindness was showed to her family by God's children. In JAM we talked different ways we can share and show kindness to others, and added to our summer book. It was a great week!

Tomorrow is your last chance to order tickets for this years Sounds Game, and now it's a double header!

Order your tickets online using the link for our group:
username:branches password:338759