Friday, October 5, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We are learning how to talk to God. Peanut told us that talking to God is just like talking on the phone. We can call on God and He's there to listen. Our verse this week was from Matthew 6:33, Seek God First. It doesn't matter when, but all we have to do is pray. The story we read was the Daniel and the Lions Den. If you remember, his jealous peers tricked the King into making it illegal to pray to anyone, except the King. Daniel did not stop, because prayer was how He had relationship with God. His peers caught him and told the King. The King was so sad, because he realized what they had done. Daniel was put in the Lions Den, but God was with him. The next day the King hoped Daniel was alive, and He was! God was with him and protected him. We talked about how we can pray day or night anytime, because He wants to be our friend. In Jam we made a prayer book, to help us remember what we learned. We hope you have a blessed weekend!