We had a great week in Chapel and JAM! It's been amazing to see how God makes things grow and provides for us. In Chapel we talked about how a small apple seed can grow into a large tree and produce a lot of fruit. We only wish ice cream had seeds. Peanut thought if he ate the apple, he would get an apple tree in his belly. He's so silly. We talked about seeds grow in the ground and take time. Our verse this week was from Genesis 1:29, God said, I give you, every plant and tree, that has fruit with seeds, it will be yours for food." In JAM we drew a picture of seeds growing from a seed to a tree, that had fruit with seeds. It was really amazing to see God's gift to us!
Holly Tree Annual Christmas Program
Holly Tree Brentwood and Holly Tree Cool Springs - December 3rd @ 6:45pm - by our 2-5 year olds!
Holly Tree Priest Lake - December 8th @ 6:30 pm - put on by our School Age and 2-5 year olds!
Every Holly Tree family is invited to come!
This will be an evening of singing and celebrating our Saviors birth. We will follow the program with a family dinner, so don't forget to sign-up for bringing side dishes or dessert. Children can wear their best holiday attire.
We will also be having a special raffle item to help raise funds for Branches Ministries, raffle tickets are either 1-$5 or Arm Length for $25. Funds will be used to serve the families and staff of Never Grow Up.
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