Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

It's our last week to talk about flying, and this week we found something really cool in the Bible. In 2 Kings 2:11 it reads; "Suddenly, a chariot of fire appeared, and Elijah, went up to Heaven." What was Elijah riding? He was on a chariot, with horses and they were flying! I asked the kids, do horses fly? "NO", they all exclaimed. So how did they fly? I helped them to understand that it was the power of God. We talked about how God had a special plan for Elijah and it was his time to go to Heaven. I asked them when do we normally get to go to Heaven? They said when we die. So I explained that when we believe and serve Jesus, that when we die we get to go to Heaven. I felt it was important, especially with the Pre-K kids to touch on this topic, since we are coming upon Easter. It helps build understanding, so they can be ready to receive the story of Christ dying for us. In JAM we made a picture of Elijah flying in the chariot of fire. I explained the power of God can do anything, to accomplish His plan for your life too.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

Hello Holly Tree Families,

It's been an exciting week at Holly Tree with JAM, Chapel and getting ready for the Easter Eggs-travaganza! We hope to see you Saturday at our Cool Springs Campus from 10-1pm. Our kids will be presenting what we do at Chapel, so please make sure your there by 10:25. There will also be lots of fun activities, booths, silent auction items, Bunny Pictures, the Fire Truck, Food and a HUGE Egg Hunt!

This week we have still been learning about Flying, and this week we talked about a Heavenly Helper with wings. That's right Angels! In Acts 12:7-9 we learning our verse, The Angel woke Peter, "arise quickly", and the chains fell off. This is the story of Peter in jail for telling others about Jesus. Peter needed some help and God sent a special helper, an Angel. In JAM, we made some chains and acted like we were Peter. It was fun to see them shake off the chains as we said, "the chains fell off"!

Have a Blessed Day and See You Saturday!

Friday, March 16, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

There have been lots of locust at Holly Tree this week! We've been talking about the story of the locust in Exodus 10:14, "the locust flew into Egypt and covered the ground, there were lots of locust." This is the story about Moses asking the Pharaoh (we called a King in class), to let God's people go. However, Pharaoh, would not listen to Moses or God, and disobeyed. We talked about how every time he disobeyed something else would happen to try to encourage him to do right. It's kind of like when our parents or teachers ask us to do good, but if not there are consequences. In JAM we made cute little locust and the kids loved using it to image what really happen. I also shared a book about flying bugs, that had great pictures of ladybugs, grasshoppers, dragonflies, caterpillars and butterflies. It was a lot of fun and maybe you can talk about the flying insects you see this weekend.

Easter Performance @ the Eggs-travaganza @ 10:30 on March 24th!
We are going to be sharing some songs from our chapel time, our Holly Tree song and a bible verse. If you can be there please come by 10:25 and there is no dress requirement. It's going to give your kiddos an opportunity to see what they do every week.

Friday, March 9, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We've been flying high learning about God's Flying Creation. In Genesis 1:20 it reads, God said, "let the birds fly, above the earth and across the heavens." God made a big beautiful sky, and gave us flying animals and insects to enjoy it. We talked about how God gave them wings to be able to fly, so acted like we had fake wings. In JAM we made a bird and used feathers for wings, so it can fly through the air. Then we talked about the two types of wings God made, wings with feathers and clear wings. So this weekend you may notice more birds and flying insects than before. They are starting to come out and fly around for us to enjoy!

Have a Blessed and Safe Weekend!

Easter Egg-stravaganza is March 24th from 10-1pm at the Holly Tree on Seaboard Ln. Free Food, Silent Auction, 5,000 Egg Hunt, Activities, Vendors and MUCH MORE!!!!!
How can you help?
  • Bring in non-peanut/individually wrapped candy stuffed eggs!
  • Know a Business? Could they donate a Silent Auction Item or have a Booth?
  • Tell everyone and come have fun!

Friday, March 2, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We hope you had a blessed week! It was fun talking about fruit this week at JAM and Chapel. Peanut brought an old banana to Chapel to show the kids it's skin. We talked about how it's skin protects it just like our skin. Then we talked about the most infamous fruit story in the Bible, the forbidden fruit. Our verse this week comes from Genesis 3:6, Eve saw the fruit, it was pleasant to her eyes, and she ate it. We talked about how God had provided them with all their needs, but they still wanted more. At JAM we made a cookie jar with an apple in it because Eve wanted a apple like we want cookies. It represents our desire for something we really want, but sometimes we have to wait. Just like when our parents tell us we can't have cookies before dinner. Adam and Eve made a bad choice when they didn't obey God and ate the apple. We wanted to decided to obey God instead of the sneaky snake.