Friday, March 16, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

There have been lots of locust at Holly Tree this week! We've been talking about the story of the locust in Exodus 10:14, "the locust flew into Egypt and covered the ground, there were lots of locust." This is the story about Moses asking the Pharaoh (we called a King in class), to let God's people go. However, Pharaoh, would not listen to Moses or God, and disobeyed. We talked about how every time he disobeyed something else would happen to try to encourage him to do right. It's kind of like when our parents or teachers ask us to do good, but if not there are consequences. In JAM we made cute little locust and the kids loved using it to image what really happen. I also shared a book about flying bugs, that had great pictures of ladybugs, grasshoppers, dragonflies, caterpillars and butterflies. It was a lot of fun and maybe you can talk about the flying insects you see this weekend.

Easter Performance @ the Eggs-travaganza @ 10:30 on March 24th!
We are going to be sharing some songs from our chapel time, our Holly Tree song and a bible verse. If you can be there please come by 10:25 and there is no dress requirement. It's going to give your kiddos an opportunity to see what they do every week.

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