Friday, June 29, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We have so many Super Stars! This week we talked about how we are all God's VIP's. Peanut came to class with a Gold Medal for "Most Awesome Dog", and it made him feel so special. I asked the class if Peanut should toss his award in the trash or under the bed? They said NO! I said of course that would be taking care of something so special. Then we talked about how God see's them just like this Gold Medal, a very special prize, award or trophy. Our verse this week is from Deuteronomy 32:10 "He surrounded, cared and guarded him as the apple of His eye." Just like I want to surround Peanut with love, care for him and protect him. God wants to do the same with us, He loves us and we are the apple of His eye. In JAM we made a medal and trophy to help us rememeber how much God loves and vaules us.

Keep Memorizing Vereses, I'm going to start giving prizes every week. If they memorized a verse they will get a prize, even prior verses. Our verse next week is Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go, into all the world and tell every one the good news.”

Here are the previous weeks;

Week 1
Bible Focus; Friendship like Jonathan and David
Bible Verse; 1 Samuel 18:3 - Jonathan liked David and promised to always be faithful friends.
Week 2
Bible Focus; Paul's Campfire
Bible Verse; Acts 28:3 - Paul picked up sticks, put them on the fire, and deadly snake bites his hand.
Week 3
Bible Focus; Naming the Animals
Bible Verse; Gen 2:20 - Adam gave names to all cattle, birds and wild animals.
Week 4
Bible Focus; God's VIP
Bible Verse; Deuteronomy 32:10 - He surrounded, cared and guarded him as the apple of his eye.
Week 5
Bible Focus; Commissioned to GO!
Bible Verse; Mark 16:15 - He said to them, “Go, into all the world and tell every one the good news.”

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