Thursday, April 12, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We hope that you had a wonderful Easter Celebration this past weekend. I know that the seeds we are planting, will someday produce Men and Women that love and serve God.

This week we've been talking about Peace during the weather. We talked about how we all get scared of weather at times. Maybe it's heavy rain, thunder, lightening or tornadoes, but God can help us not be so scared. When Peanut gets scared he likes to curl up in a blanket because he feels safe. We talked about how Peace from God can help us feel safe. Our verse is from Luke 8:24, "They woke up Jesus saying  "Master, we might die." So He rebuked the storm, and it was calm. When we get scared like the disciples, it's because we've forgotten God is with us and will take care of us. Jesus remembered that on the boat that day and we have to try and remember also. In JAM we talked about the sign language for peace and how God can give us peace in our hearts. So we made an outline of our hand peace sign and put a dove in our hands to represent God the Spirit. Then we made it into a necklace we can put on when we get scared and help us remember the peace we can have from God. Something we are practicing saying when we get scared is, "I will not be afraid, God is with me!" Being scared is a good way our body reminds us to put our trust in God and receive His peace.

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