Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We are taking care of the Earth, God has given us! This week we've been learning about being good stewards of all we've been blessed with. Our verse this week is from Genesis 2:15 God, put man, in the garden, to tend it. God wants us to take care of our gardens, homes, and everything we have. We also read a story about Abram getting a new home in Canaan. When we are blessed by God, He wants us to take care of those things. We also talked about how God gave us plants and trees, and how they grow. We sang, Itsy Bitsy Seed and played the seed growing game.  In JAM we colored the process of a seeding growing, and found a seed. It was a lot of fun at Chapel and JAM.

Also I wanted to let you know about Fathers Delight. It's a Father's and Daughters event coming in June from It's for ages 6-12, so keep it in mind for your older daughters, friends and your future big girls.

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