Friday, September 14, 2012

Holly Tree Children’s Ministry News September 2012

Holly Tree Children’s Ministry News
 September 2012

Dear Holly Tree Families,

I’m so excited to be entering into the fall season. It’s not here yet, but hints are all around. The temperatures are starting to level out, making for cooler mornings and evenings. No matter what season we are in, it can be bitter-sweet. One thing that helps make life less bitter is making the most of your present. This is something as adults we forget, but kids always make the most of every moment. So many times we are torn between the inadequate past and the hopeful future. This is one reason why I love fall and our fall theme “Fall is For Your Family”, because it’s turns our focus to our families and friends.
As a believer, we know that relationships are the only thing going into eternity. We get so distracted by “life”, that we forget to live this life. It would be really sad if we look back on our lives and feel the disappointment of missed time. I think this is one reason why God created seasons. They always give us an opportunity to reflect on the previous season and year. It’s a built in growth chart for adults. Are we growing or are we just a hamster on a wheel? It might be hard to know what to do different, but here are some things that might help.

Re-Balance Life
It’s like being on a See-Saw. There are times when work is going to peak, so don’t feel guilty about that. However if your work makes you feel like you are in “high gear” all the time, your See-Saw might be broke.
Refresh PerspectiveObviously most of us can’t  take a luxurious vacation every other month, but we can have dinner with our families and plan a monthly family event. We work so hard to have things, but things are just props to life.
Letting go
Are there other reasons for allowing work or things to consume your life. Is there fear or insecurity that is hindering you from letting go? Simply ask yourself, why am I doing this and not doing that?
Family Time on PaperTo ensure that you can see the reality of life now and the life you want, write it down. Just write out your current week and the time you spend working vs. family, and the things you want your family to remember about their childhood. Once you see your reality, you can decide what needs to change.

I hope that your fall is more about your family than ever before!
Jam’n with Jesus,
Mr. Kendall Rush, Children’s Minister

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