Friday, September 14, 2012

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

It's been an amazing summer and now it's back school! However, it's always good to have to call home. This week we talked about the Prodigal Son and how he came home. Our verse was Luke 15:31-32, "We Celebrate, our brother was gone, but has been found". In our story the son disobeyed his father. He did not listen to him, ran away and spent all his money. Fortunately, he found some pigs to live with and it was gross! He even ate their food! Then we talked about how the son realized he was wrong and wanted to ask his father to forgive him. So he started to go home. What he didn't realize, was his father was looking and praying for him everyday. One day the father was looking and saw his son, and he ran to him. The son asked for forgiveness and the father forgave him. It was a great way for us to learn about forgiveness and love from our family.

Have a Blessed Weekend!

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