Friday, September 16, 2011

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

Peanut and I had a great time this week at Chapel and Jam. We've been learning about forgiveness, and it's really helped Peanut be more like Jesus. We read the Prodigal Son story from Luke 15:31-32; The father said, "We will celebrate! My son was gone, but is alive, he was lost, but is found." We talked about how when we disobey God, our teachers or parents, or when we hurt others we need forgiveness. Our hearts are white and clean, but when we disobey or hurt others it gets really dirty like the boy in the pig pin. So how do we get our hearts clean and white... forgiveness! We practiced asking for forgiveness; I'm sorry, please forgive me. Peanut needed a lot of help with forgiveness this week. He took a toy from a friend at school and that friend was hurt. We told Peanut that it wasn't right to take things and needed to ask for forgiveness and get clean. He finally did. Also in Chapel we took a clear vase and talked about how our hearts are clean, but when we hurt others or disobey God it gets dirty. So we put some dirt in the vase. Then we talked about how forgiveness is like the water rising the dirt out of the vase. The kids really liked it! In JAM we took a picture of a boy or girl and drew their hearts dirty. Then when we opened it they were white because they asked for forgiveness. It was a great week of learning how to give and receive forgiveness, so hopefully you can practice this at home this weekend.

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