Thursday, September 22, 2011

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

We've been finding out about how special we are to God. It was perfect timing because Peanut really needed help with that this week. He was so upset and he thought he wasn't as good as the other puppies. He wasn't as fast, smart or had different color hair. We all had to help Peanut remember what God thought about him, and it made it all better. Our verse this week is from Genesis 1:27 "God made man, in His likeness, He made them male and female." We talked about God's special gift,  and how it wasn't things or even looks, but it was them. They liked knowing that they were God's special gift. In JAM we talked about how our parents and grandparents like to take pictures of us. So we made a picture of ourselves for God because He thinks we are special!

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