Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Week's Children's Ministry Update

Are you a Good Friend? We learned a lot about being a good friend. Peanut got hurt this week on the playground when a mean dog hit him, poor Peanut. In Proverbs 17:17 it says, A friend loves at all times, and a brother helps in time of trouble. So this week we read about the Good Samaritan and how he was a good friend to a Jewish man. He was the only one that didn't walk on by, but stopped, took care of the man wounds and took him to the inn. In Chapel we acted out the story with Peanut's hurt paw, and the kids really liked it. During JAM we made our own art scene of the Samaritan's story. This week each child received a band aid to take home and help someone who got hurt. So if they might be asking you about your boo-boos.

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